
Internet Banking, many Questions to start

Hello, I'm from Germany and will have an account with ING shortly open.

The opening is planned in the bank at the counter. Now my question to Internet Banking: What documents do I get the conclusion of contract (login, password, etc.?)?

Do I have to first enable the Internet Banking on this Site (https://e.ingbank.pl/unlock?newForm=true&locale=en&formRefresh=) or I can then start directly here (https://login.ingbank.pl/mojeing/app/#login).

When activating ios necessary on this Site (https://e.ingbank.pl/unlock?newForm=true&locale=en&formRefresh=) PESEL Passport or ID Card number must be specified .

I'm from Germany, which number should I include? 

It would be nice if someone told me in few steps the process of conclusion of the contract up to the first launch of Internet banking Emotikon: Szczęśliwy

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Re.: Internet Banking, many Questions to start

To activate on-line service, please go to website https://e.ingbank.pl/activate?newForm=true&locale=en

User ID (login) - you can find it on contract with our bank. Identyfication type: if you don’t have PESEL- you can choose from the list passport number or ID.

You need to type your mother’s maiden (family) name

You can set up a password here. Password should contains 10-32 characters, minimum: 1 big letter, 1 small letter and 1 number.

You will type auhthorization code- we will send it  on mobile that you provide us earlier.

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Re.: Internet Banking, many Questions to start


thanks for the feedback.

Passport number or ID is the number of my German personal identity card?
I give my ID at contract conclusion?

may my cell phone number, a German number be (+49 xxx xxxxxxxxx)?
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Re.: Internet Banking, many Questions to start

I’d like to help you, but for security reasons I can’t provide the informations what kind of document you need to type.
You can find it on contract with our bank.
For authorization codes you can type German number +49…


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