– ostatnio edytowany
Hi dear experts,
do anyone, please, knows what a hell ING want from me???
I have nothing to do with USA, never´ve been there. No one from my family was
06-04-2016 14:52
What is FATCA?
FATCA, or Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, is a United States law concerning, among others, the duty to pay taxes. It was implemented by the US government for the US residents who use bank accounts, among others, in countries other than the US.
The Governments of Poland and of the US signed an agreement relating to FATCA. That is why we are asking all our customers who opened bank accounts at our bank between 1 July 2014 and 30 November 2015 for filing a FATCA self-certification form.
It does not matter whether they have any ties with the US or not.
You may fill in the form:
What is the deadline for filing the form?
Please file the form by 30 November 2016.
If you need more information about FATCA please contact with ING Bank.
Legal grounds:
Act of on Execution of Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Poland to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA of 9 October 2015.
07-04-2016 12:12
Thank you for translate. I don´t understant a thing anyway
I mean, I undestand the text but not the idea of it.
In total is neccesary to:
- Open profil in internet banking,
- check the edit this profil
- and check "oswiedczam ze niejestem rezidentem USA ...bla-bla-bla"
I hope is OK, now. thanks again.
28-05-2016 19:43
Swego czasu bank wysyłał informację, żeby wypełnić oświadczenie FACTA w oddziale banku lub po zalogowniu w profilu., ale tam nie ma żadnej takiej opcji? Pozostał tyko oddział?
28-05-2016 20:24
29-05-2016 20:12
Dziękuję za odpowiedź, napiszę w takim razie do supportu raz jeszcze
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