
SMS not working

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I have a UK business with an ING bank account where I keep Polish Zloty to pay my suppliers in Poland. Since Thursday 8th August I have been unable to access online service to use my funds to pay my suppliers. I have called ING several times to explain and then to complain. ING HAS BEEN A COLLECTIVE USELESS PILE OF *** AND THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING TO HELP AND NEVER BOTHERED TO CALL ME BACK. The ING system is telling me that as I try to log in, it has sent a verification email to my mobile phone to check my login identity but nothing is arriving. I have logged in hundreds f times over the last 4 years I have held the account. But no code verification SMSs are getting to my phone. My friends, my suppliers and my employees in Poland can all send me SMSs and they are all on different Polish telephone networks to each other in different parts of Poland so clearly this problem is only with ING. I have explained this so many times to the *** who answer the phone at ING and I am very very very angry with this *** service and this *** failure by ING to do anything about it.  All they do is suggest I turn off my phone and turn it on again and say they have reported it to "IT".  This has now caused an emergency situation  in my company and is ruining my reputation as a reliable customer who makes reliable payments. When I call the bank they knw who I am as I go through all their security questions. They even see it is my phone number calling and they ask my passport number and get it. Even though they know who I am, they refuse to take instructions over the phone to make  payments to my suppliers to get my fucking suppliers paid. And so next week I will have to fly to *** Poland and go to the *** bank and withdraw all my *** Zloty money in cash an tell the *** at ING to go *** themselves and I will close their dumb-*** account and open another account with another *** bank. Or has some *** at ING got a better idea which involves actually taking responsibility and sorting this *** problem out. Whatever happens this has cost me lost sales and lost business and damaged reputation so I will be making a compensation claim. WHAT A USELESS *** BANK!!!

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Re: SMS not working

I'm sorry to read that. You wrote that we have reported your case to our IT team. We can change your phone number in our system to new one, only for this time to solve your case.  I hope that your problem will solve very quickly and our sollutions will help you.

Moja odpowiedź Ci pomogła? Zaakceptuj ją jako rozwiązanie.
Jeśli chcesz szybciej uzyskać odpowiedź, zachęcamy Cię do kontaktu na czacie w Moim ING lub skorzystania z Wirtualnego Asystenta.
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Re.: blokada na obsługę zajęcia przelewu z ubezpieczenia na życie

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Re.: OKO dziecka

Przykro nam z powodu Twojej opinii. W szczegółach promocji podajemy maksymalną kwotę do jakiej obowiązuje oprocentowanie podwyższone po spełnieniu warunków promocji. Na stronie oferty w Moim ING przed


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